Sunday 19 December 2010

A picture of me

This is me shooting "behind the scenes" footage on a friend's video project. Hopefully this picture will be acceptable to the administrators of twitter, who recently suspended my account because my last picture (below) was deemed "pornographic". I must be jaded. I thought this was about as pornographic as a builder's butt cleavage.


  1. Hi Liam...

    A very hot pic... always good to see the man behind the films... looking as sexy as ever and slightly angelic.

    We are all I am sure waiting for your forthcoming release!! When do we get our christmas present!


  2. Is that scary spice giving you had in the bottom of the picture?

  3. Your so good looking Liam......Its just a shame your behind the Camera....

  4. Your first pic was hot/funny for several reasons but this one might just be even cuter!

  5. Cute ! Your face looks naked without the TIM logo on your head.

  6. I can't be alone in wanting to see you pounding or getting pounded in one of your videos. You're TOO HOT to stay behind the camera!

  7. your editing of Full Tilt is just untoppable. Sheer Genius in command of "in crescendo" effect

  8. Thanks Hamlet, you're right, the editing is AWESOME, but it's not me, it's the brilliant editors who worked on Full Tilt. Damon Dogg, Elliott Wilder and Reuben Jansen. Their talent and hard work turns my shambolic sex-tapes into coherent exciting porn, and the videos would be nothing without them.

    Thankyou to them for doing such a great job, and to you for noticing. :-)

  9. Charming, Mystical, ultimate. One day, I will have the chance to be that bottom who takes every guy in the room. If I ever make it to London, maybe my fantasy will come true, and one of them will be you.... even if, I will definitely be thinking of you as one after another takes his turn inside me.

    Maybe I will have to set up a google account so I am not just another anonymous.... but then, I like the idea of anonymous men just taking turns, in and out, leaving their loads and moving on

  10. Liam I must say you are an extraordinary photographer but you look much better in front of the camera. Please show more YOU !
