Monday, 23 February 2009

Fuck you Rev Peter Mullen

This is a story from last October, about Rev Peter Mullen, chaplain to the London Stock Exchange. He had written on his blog, "Let us make it obligatory for homosexuals to have their backsides tattooed with the slogan 'sodomy can seriously damage your health' and their chins with 'fellatio kills'".

Rev Peter MullenEvidently he hasn't seen the more subtle, and better looking, biohazard tattoo. Here's an example from a recent shoot with Cristian Torrent, who wears his well.

Liam Cole Treasure Island Media Aaron Cristian Torrent


  1. Maybe if it read "Fellatio, kids!" and the exclamation mark was an arrow....

  2. Thanks for the comment Dave. I agree, that would be preferable.
